- Car android player & audio system installer - Car security alarm system installer - Car window tinting installer - Car dashcam installer - Car ambient light installer - Car soundproof - 安装汽车安卓唱机及音响 - 安装汽车镜隔热膜贴纸 - 安装汽车行中记录器 - 安装汽车防盗系统 - 安装汽车装饰品 - 安装汽车氛围灯 - 安装汽车隔音
- With or without experience - Age 20 above (Male ONLY) - 6 working days - Responsibility - Team Work - Fast Learner - 有无经验均可 (有经验者优先) - 年龄20岁以上 (男性) - 工作六天制 - 对汽车装饰音响及隔热膜贴纸有兴趣 - 有责任感 - 团队合作
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